Monday, November 5, 2012

The Second Cup -- Part 4

Today we found a new attachment for the ball drill, which was something like sandpaper, used for shining wood. I tried it on the inside of my cup, and with only 10 minutes work on the machine I saved myself at least 3-4 hours of hand sanding. I still had to sand the inside of the cup afterwards to make the last little rough spots go away, but this machine really did a lot of work for me!

Here the cup is finished on the inside, so now I have to work on sanding down the outside with fine sandpaper. This goes pretty fast, as the outside of the cup is easier to work on than the inside. I sanded the outside for about 1 hour today.

The next step is to drill holes in the handle. You can see in the picture above that the handle is the only thing left I haven't sanded, and that's because you have to drill the holes first in case of chipping. Also, you would essentially be sanding it twice since the insides of the holes themselves need sanding.

After the holes were drilled, I used the little belt sander to shape out the handle as I wanted it. I decided to put a bit of a rounded edge on the sides, which proved much harder than I thought. It's nearly impossible to get both sides even, at least with the little experience I have. When it was as good as I could get it, it was on to hand sanding again, this time the insides of the holes. This is my least favorite part, because I always end up scraping my weak, "pretty" knuckles, or get slivers!

Now the cup is very nearly finished, only a little more hand sanding to smooth out the rough edges, and then it's on to staining. It should be finished next week, making this a record-fast cup for me (under 14 hours work)!


  1. Jenna liking the blog! Some cool stuff.

  2. Thanks for taking a look! It's fun to be able to share these activities with you all!
